photo credit: Ash Thayer

photo credit: Ash Thayer



Kiyomi Fukui Nannery’s works revolve around the idea of emotional connections in human experience — loss, grief, yearning for belonging. She works with printmaking, drawing, natural dye, and at times social interactions. Irrespective of the media, her works are process-oriented, considering both the physical and immaterial, such as conversations, interactions and memory. Her recent work utilizes mineral and botanical pigments. While extracting these pigments, she holds dearly the sentiments associated with the respective land or plants — she calls these sentiments “ghosts”. The slow process of foraging, cultivating and collecting the colorants, as well as the carving and printing of woodblocks can be seen as a form of meditation. The resulting images and objects explore emotional resonances within their arrangements.

Along with her partner, Michael Nannery, Kiyomi is also a co-founder of Peace Lily Press & Microfarm, an experimental micro-residency and project/exhibition space. Some of the processes and ideologies explored include gardening, printmaking, natural dyeing, organic food production, sustainable practices and more.